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Silencing the Inner Critic
Art coaching with John Worth

Silencing the Inner Critic is a personalised programme of confidential one-to-one mentoring, support and guidance assisting people at all levels to realise their artistic potential.  


Choose from either face-to-face sessions in the studio or online.


Incorporating elements of self-discovery, exploration, and hands-on studio work, Silencing the Inner Critic is designed to help you gain the confidence to believe in your authentic voice.


The programme is tailored to accommodate all ages, abilities, and levels of experience, and includes practical exercises in mark-making, painting, and curating your work.


By the end of the programme, you will feel ready to confidently pursue or continue your artistic journey.


Start with:


Introductory Session:  90 minutes £50


then choose either:


Studio Programme:  Six 90 minute sessions £450


Online Programme:  Five 90 minute sessions £350  

About the programme

Silencing the Inner Critic is a practical art coaching programme, personalised to your needs and what matters to you. 


I have carefully designed my approach to cover:


  • Silencing any false beliefs such as: ‘I’m not artistic’, or ‘I’m not good enough’.

  • Engaging and releasing your unrealised artistic ability, through a series of practical exercises.

  • Gaining the confidence to express your authentic artistic voice.

  • Encouraging conviction in your personal artistic journey. 


I will work side-by-side with you and sensitively guide you to:         


  • Liberate your artistic instincts.

  • Challenge the need to seek external approval.

  • Avoid judgement traps.

  • Connect with the art of imperfection. 


Who is it for?

The coaching is tailored to sensitively accommodate all ages, abilities, and levels of experience. For example, those with:


  • No artistic experience.

  • Artistic experience but wishing to be freed of the constraints of internalised negative beliefs or past prescriptive training. 

  • A desire to embark on an artistic journey, amateur or professional.

  • A desire to simply enrich their lives.


The coaching support is not designed to teach specific techniques or disciplines, i.e. learning to draw or use watercolour. You may already be blessed with highly skilled technical artistic abilities, or you may have no artistic experience at all, it doesn't matter.


What will you gain from the programme?

On completing the programme, my aim is that you will be ready to begin or continue your artistic journey and produce art that matters to you without fear of judgement or criticism. 


My work with you concentrates on shifting your focal point for your artistic output from the nagging influence of the critic in your head to the confident voice of your authentic heart.


I will sensitively support you to recognise that your authenticity as an artist can only be realised when you relegate the notion of 'accomplished skill' to a subjective and useful by-product rather than the focal point of your art.


Of course accomplished technical skills are extremely valuable, but if we rely on them to define the integrity of our artistic output, and elevate them to the highest level of importance we inevitably stifle our authentic artistic voice - thus giving our power away to those internal or imagined criticisms which often freeze us and hold us back from doing what we feel from our hearts. 


What exercises will the coaching sessions involve?

The programme will include practical exercises in the visual arts as the foundation of our work together. However, the principles of the programme are designed to benefit you on any artistic journey, be that writing, sculpture, ceramics, music or poetry. 


In each session I will guide you to carry out some practical visually-focused exercises, intended to liberate you from any doubts you may have about your innate artistic practice.


Each session* will be personalised to your needs and by the end of the programme you can expect to have covered the following exercises: 


  • The art of looking, seeing, and connecting with your internal responses.

  • Researching and gathering inspiration.

  • Photographing and recording ideas, marks, and textures.

  • Colour, light, and shadow.

  • Creating textures and surfaces.

  • Sketching and mark-making. 

  • Painting.

  • Editing, curating, and displaying your work.


*As part of the Studio Programme either session 1 or 2 will involve walking together in a landscape.




Choose a course option 

Introductory Session: Silencing the Inner Critic

90 minutes: Face-to-face or Online  £50


This session will introduce you to the overall programme.


I will guide you through an exercise designed to gauge where you are on your artistic journey and an understanding of what matters to you. We will explore resources together and generate a clear picture as to how we will work together during the programme and a structure for our sessions together.


Studio Programme: Silencing the Inner Critic

Face-to-face in the studio, six 90 minute sessions:  £450

Lewes or Chiddingfold


Schedule the six sessions to suit you - i.e. twice a week, weekly, fortnightly. Book the first session on payment and then use the calendar to schedule subsequent sessions.


Sessions 1 & 2


  • The art of looking, seeing, and connecting with your internal responses.

  • Researching and gathering inspiration.

  • Photographing and recording ideas, marks, and textures.

We will normally start the programme with a session dedicated to walking together in a local landscape.  Whilst walking, the themes for discussion will focus on developing an artistic perspective, seeing and recording source material. 


Sessions 3, 4 & 5

Working together in the studio I will guide and support you through a range of exercises, including sketching, creating surfaces, mark-making, use of colour and paints. 


Session 6 

In the final session I will introduce you to the principles for editing and displaying your work and curating a narrative to accompany it. We will explore the artistic disciplines and techniques you are most attracted to and the next steps you may wish to take. 

Online Programme: Silencing the Inner Critic

Five 90 minute online sessions: £375


Schedule the five sessions to suit you - i.e. twice a week, weekly, fortnightly. Book the first session on payment and then use the calendar to schedule subsequent sessions.


The Online Programme is appropriate for those who are comfortable using online platforms such as Zoom for virtual meetings and collaborative working. It may suit those who have some experience of exploring their artistic interests but could use the mentoring and support my style of coaching offers them.


Session 1


  • The art of looking, seeing, and connecting with your internal responses.

  • Researching and gathering inspiration.

  • Photographing and recording ideas, marks, and textures.

As part of your coaching I will encourage you to walk in and explore a landscape that interests you for your enquiry and exploration. You will require a smartphone or digital camera. This will provide some of the visual material for us to work with together.


Sessions 2, 3 & 4

Working together in the studio I will guide and support you through a range of exercises, including sketching, creating surfaces, mark-making, use of colour and paints. 


Session 5

In the final session I will introduce you to the principles for editing and displaying your work and curating a narrative to accompany it. We will explore the artistic disciplines and techniques you are most attracted to and the next steps you may wish to take. 


In my coaching practice it will be a privilege to share my understanding and experiences, using them to inspire and support you as you venture into deeper artistic waters - where your feet may not quite touch the bottom.


If you have any questions prior to committing to committing to an Introductory Session or the full programme, please don't hesitate to contact me, either by phone or email, and I will be pleased to answer them.

07775 584572

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